Kim Krichbaum has been facilitating workshops for over 30 years, specializing in body and breath awareness, deep self acceptance, and simultaneous awareness of self and other. Kim has been presenting the Heart of Now since 2002. At the core of Kim’s practice is the a belief in the ultimate goodness of human nature, and that our “self” is not just our individual body and consciousness, but includes our community and our ecosystem.


Sarah Taub, Ph.D., is a cultural activist whose passion is creating events where people transform. She teaches the skills of peaceful, sustainable community – self-awareness, honesty, clear boundaries – and facilitates group processes of many sorts, including consensus decision-making, business meetings and retreats, ZEGG Forum (, and conflict resolution sessions. Sarah co-founded the first cohousing community in Washington, DC, and for the past 13 years has lived at Chrysalis, a small urban intentional community in Arlington, VA whose mission is to support activists and healers ( Since 2004, she has been a major organizer of Network for a New Culture’s East Coast Summer Camp ( and other events aimed at creating a culture based on awareness, compassion, and freedom rather than on fear and judgment. In 2006, she left her tenured professorship in Cognitive Linguistics at Gallaudet University to focus full-time on events, community-building, and cultural change. Since 2011, she has been the financial and programs manager for Abrams Creek Center (, a retreat center and community in the mountains of West Virginia. Sarah’s current koan: only when you let go of urgency can you be truly effective.


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